What is plant flexibility?


As demand grows for new, cleaner sources of energy generation, we are focused on diversifying our business and adapting to the changing energy landscape.

A key part of our approach is to investigate how we can make our generating units operate more flexibly in response to the intermittency of renewables.

Plant flexibility refers to the capability of a power plant, like CS Energy’s Callide Power Station, to ramp its output up or down as demand changes and to operate at lower loads for longer.

For example, recently we’ve seen a significant reduction in electricity demand during the middle of the day as more solar enters the grid. However, this demand rises rapidly in the evening once solar is no longer available and demand for baseload thermal generation increases.

Historically, CS Energy’s portfolio has been mainly baseload thermal generation, so improving flexibility is crucial to our commercial sustainability. Operating more flexibly is also crucial for our power stations to keep the lights on as the grid transitions to more renewables.

CS Energy’s priority is to make our plants available in the morning and evening peak demand periods – when the market needs them most.

Learn more here: https://www.csenergy.com.au/news/plant-modifications-improve-power-station-flexibility